
Schenke dir dieses Jahr ganz bewusst eine Auszeit nur für Dich. Lass für einen Moment den Alltag hinter Dir, löse Dich von Stress und Belastungen, schaffe Raum für Wachstum und baue wieder eine tiefere Verbindung zu Dir selbst auf

Join me in February & March for one of the yoga & more retreats at La Vida Surf, near Essaouira in Morocco
Italien (Abbruzzen)

Practice yoga, meditation & mindfullness with me at Farm Stay Italy next to Abruzzo National Park, during 7. – 20. April
Sardinien Süd

Crystal clear water, beautiful beaches, mediterranean food, daily yoga & meditation practice. Come join me in paradise!
Warum ein Retreat besuchen?

Time for yourself: withdraw from everyday life, find peace, recharge your batteries, find space to open up and grow and maybe even experience real healing. Read more about what to expect during a retreat with me …
Dein persönliches Retreat

You have a specific topic or goal you wanna focus on? Wanna do a partner or family retreat? Then a privately held and individually onto your needs designed retreat might be for you …